Leadership Model

CHARACTER: The Foundation of Leadership
Plato described character as the naked soul stripped bare of external qualities of beauty, title, power or wealth. So, one may even have charisma and a dynamic personality but still lack character. In general, character is defined as dominant patterns of conduct based on one’s values and, no doubt, honesty and integrity are the hallmarks of a leader’s character. Leaders speak the truth, keep promises, act responsibly and have the moral courage to stand up for their beliefs. People follow those who they can trust, and leaders bring out the best in people through trust, respect, fairness, caring, sacrifice and by setting an example. We will begin our journey of leadership by first taking the time to clarify our values. Values serve as a basis for not only making life directing decisions, but also every day decisions, especially in the midst of the most pressing of circumstances. In fact, values provide the center to ride through major life challenges with one’s character intact. There is no leadership without character. It is that simple!