Course Alignment
MPhil Course Alignment with Pillars of Excellence
- The Practice of Leadership
The Art of Leadership:
Learning From Great Leaders
- Team Building and Group Process
- Organizational Development and Change
- Negotiation and Conflict Management
- Strategic Communication Strategies
- Leading Projects in Contemporary Organizations
- Research Methods and Methodology
- Social Change and Justice
- Advanced Elements: Business Affairs
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Practicum: Capstone Project
- The Practice of Leadership
The Art of Leadership:
Learning From Great Leaders
- Team Building and Group Process
- Organizational Development and Change
- Negotiation and Conflict Management
- Strategic Communication Strategies
- Leading Projects in Contemporary Organizations
- Research Methods and Methodology
- Social Change and Justice
- Advanced Elements: Business Affairs
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Practicum: Capstone Project

The Practice of Leadership
Students will gain self-awareness as a foundation for leadership development. Self-awareness allows us to identify self-imposed myths and fears, explore long-held beliefs, attitudes and unconscious decisions that may have limited the many facets of our lives. Through self-awareness one discovers that one can become more than one has allowed oneself to be!

The Art of Leadership: Learning From Great Leaders
Who are the great leaders in history and what do they have to teach us today about the nature and practice of leadership? In this course, a wide range of inspiring leaders will be discussed, and the following question will help guide the class discussions: How did they define leadership and what was their leadership philosophy?

Team Building and Group Process
Organizations cannot function without teams. Therefore, it is imperative for students to understand the basic structure of teams, why they are important, how they are developed, and how they are managed and evaluated. Students practice various process skills to achieve team goals in a variety of settings.

Organizational Development and Change
Change is the only constant, so students learn the application of different organizational development models to implement change efforts. Topics explored will include the phases of organization development and change, attributes of organizational culture, interventions to facilitate change, and strategies to overcome resistance to change.

Negotiation and Conflict Management
Negotiation is a fundamental process that is used in making personal or professional agreements and contracts, in managing working relationships and in conflict resolution. Knowledge about and skills in negotiating and resolving conflicts are essential to anyone who works with and through other people to achieve the established objectives.

Strategic Communication Strategies
Communication is one of the key skills required to rise the career ladders. Students will practice developing professional documents and making oral presentations to a diverse audience. Also, students will gain the skillset to plan and create appropriate messages to achieve desired communication objectives by analyzing audience, occasion, and purpose.

Leading Projects in Contemporary Organizations
Professional competence is based on whether one can get the job done, which makes project management skills so vital. Students will learn to select and apply appropriate planning techniques and tools to meet the project goals within time, cost, and quality constraints.

Research Methods and Methodology
This class prepares students to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their chosen field by exploring the structure of a research proposal – developing research question, reviewing relevant literature, collecting and analyzing data, and discussing research findings.

Advanced Elements: Business Affairs
At all levels of an organization, four functions of management are required – planning, organizing, leading and controlling. These management functions are primarily based on the concepts drawn from different fields of study including human resources, marketing, operations, finance, and strategy to administer an institution effectively. Students are introduced to the concepts and skills associated with the aforementioned management disciplines as applied to professional planning and decision making.

Social Change and Justice
Social change can result in improvements in human rights, equality, justice, and overall societal well-being. Societies that address social issues tend to be more stable, innovative, and economically prosperous. Leaders play a pivotal role in bringing social change, as their actions and decisions can have far-reaching effects on communities and societies. Toward this end, students will understand the importance of social movements in transforming societies and get a taste for social change through practical activism – actively participating in activities, campaigns, and initiatives that align with their values and goals.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurship is both a way of thinking and of doing. It involves innovation, "building something from nothing.” The course will focus on opportunity recognition, assembly of the financial and human resources needed in launching a new venture, and, of course, successful entrepreneurs know how to mitigate uncertainty and risk in making a venture successful.

Practicum: Capstone Project
The capstone provides the students with the opportunity to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management knowledge and skills acquired during the program. Specifically, the project requires the students to demonstrate understanding in the following areas: